This rates pretty high on my weird-shit-o-meter

I just can't help but laugh at these Egyptian hairless cats. I'm not sure why you'd want a cat with no fur - isn't the softness factor half the point of having a cat? Can these possibly be soft? They look transparent. Maybe it's a mimicry thing.

The look on that papa/mama cat's face is priceless.

ARGH! Thar me kitties and you can keep yer damn paws off 'em!


Life said…
i would totally take a hairless cat. mike is allergic and bitches about it so if we got a hairless- no bitching! no, he'd just find something else to bitch about. like when butter shit on the bed while he was sleeping.
Fraulein N said…
Those are some freaky looking cats, yo. The kittens are especially freaky looking, like little alien babies.

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