Friday Fuck It

Today I'd like to give a middle finger salute with a big, wet FUCK YOU to:

- The girl on my own soccer team that ran into me knee-on-knee last night. If we're wearing the same color shirts, stay away! Pick a position and play it for fuck's sake. And quit yelling at everyone from the sidelines the few times you're not on the field - either be positive or shut up already.

- Everyone taking today off to get drunk because of some Irish saint. Slackers.

- The guy dressed up as the Statue of Liberty and standing on the side of First Capitol waving and grinning like an idiot. He's representin' Liberty Taxes and just the sight of you makes my stomach heave with the thought of filing taxes. Hi! YOU SUCK.

- Chumbawumba. What a dumb fucking name.

Your turn. Who really fries your eggs today? Let them know how you really feel without letting anyone really know. No one reads this! Let it all hang out.


Life said…
- walgreens for not giving me more money for the crappy walgreens diapers my mom's friend gave me that i returned for better diapers.

-girl scout cookies, particularly thin mints, for being so delicious and forcing me to eat them.

-my lack of energy today and splitting headache.

-5:00 AM, the time i woke up this morning.

- the slow ass drivers on mid-rivers' mall drive

- not getting to drink on st. patrick's day

Life said…
but, but it's MONDAY!

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