Bang Bang (Mother Nature Shot Me Down)
I have a penchant for nature. I like to be out in it and marvel at the little ways that plants and animals make it work for them. And yes, if you are just realizing it, I'm a big dork. But today, I'm a little pissed off at nature.
Here's why:
What you're looking at is a bloom on my peach tree. The same peach tree that had a total of seven flowers last year. The same peach tree that had hundreds of blooms (and therefore potentially hundreds of peaches) that are now covered in two inches of snow. Bastards! Who OK'd this snow? I did NOT see the memo asking for permission for it to snow on the second day of spring. SPRING! Did you hear me Mother Nature? It's SPRING! Spring snow is dandy and all...if you live in Colorado or Antarctica. In Missouri? We no likey.
Here's why:

What you're looking at is a bloom on my peach tree. The same peach tree that had a total of seven flowers last year. The same peach tree that had hundreds of blooms (and therefore potentially hundreds of peaches) that are now covered in two inches of snow. Bastards! Who OK'd this snow? I did NOT see the memo asking for permission for it to snow on the second day of spring. SPRING! Did you hear me Mother Nature? It's SPRING! Spring snow is dandy and all...if you live in Colorado or Antarctica. In Missouri? We no likey.