Call me a Waaaaambulance

I can't believe my last post was on Wednesday. It seems like forever ago and just a minute ago, all at the same time. Maybe that's due to the raging head cold I've had since oh...Thursday. Except I'm currently saying it more like "Turdsday". In this case, it's appropriate.

Gah, I hate head colds. Especially the ones that move into your lungs - which I'm sure has nothing at all to do with the fact that I haven't stopped smoking cigarettes. I do usually cut way back or stop when I'm sick, but for some reason, I've been too stupid this time. Not only not quitting, but I went bowling last night with the fam and managed to smoke a half a pack of Merit Ultra Light 100's. I wish I was kidding.

So I have absolutely no room to whine and complain about the duration of this cold. But, I do feel obligated to complain about my CD RW drive crashing and...well, not burning. Sucky McSuckFace y'all.


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