Happy Birthday Mr. Gravy
I know - a day late and a dollar short, per usual. I needed a full day to recover from the 3rd Annual JaMexican party, so DG's actual birthday (yesterday) was spent doing absolutely nothing. I mostly watched TV and he mostly slept...all day. So sloth-like. The only thing I really wanted to do but didn't is download the pictures onto Flickr. Oh and wash the dishes. Um...and vacuum the floors (good god they are dirty). Maybe pick up the soggy mess outside by the fire pit? Whatever, none of that got done.
Thanks to everyone that came to the party and I hope everyone had a good time. I know DG did and I certainly did. And you all let DG win at quarters too - that's really sweet! I think he made about $20. I swear we don't practice pitching quarters all year in anticipation of the one time we have a party...no really...we don't...PROMISE.
And to DG: "I love technology. But not as much as you, you see. Always and forever. Always and forever."
Thanks to everyone that came to the party and I hope everyone had a good time. I know DG did and I certainly did. And you all let DG win at quarters too - that's really sweet! I think he made about $20. I swear we don't practice pitching quarters all year in anticipation of the one time we have a party...no really...we don't...PROMISE.
And to DG: "I love technology. But not as much as you, you see. Always and forever. Always and forever."