Bad news from far away

I've said it before that I'm not one to make friends very readily. I try to be nice to people in general (for the most part, come on!), but I don't often feel a real connection with people - at least enough to consider them a "friend". I've been working in the same industry for over 5 years and in that time I really only feel like I've made let's say, 3 or 4 friends - in my definition of the term. Granted, the industry I work in is very global and I don't see many of these people except for once or maybe twice - in rare cases three times a year.

A person I consider a friend died this weekend.

This morning when I went to work, the first thing I heard was that there were rumors that C was killed in an automobile accident. She was living in Costa Rica and according to the US State department website, car accidents are the 7th leading cause of death there. I wouldn't believe it since it was just a rumor - and one that I was loathe to give any credence to. But tonight when I went to play soccer, someone I work with had received confirmation of the rumor and said it was true.

I am still in that state of disbelief. Since I don't see her very often and we're not as frequently in email or phone contact as we used to be (she got promoted), I just can't wrap my mind around it. I just saw her in January in London. We talked about a mutual acquaintance, laughed about how he didn't look NEAR as hot as he did in November and made plans to scope him out again next time we saw him. She met DG in December and at the time she told me that she really liked meeting him - that she felt like she knew me better by meeting him. She said she thought he was great.

When people die, I always either hear or think that "it must have been their time". It's a helluva lot easier to say or think that when you don't know the person or don't know their plans for the future or don't know the next time you'll see them. I just keep thinking about how vibrant and fun she was. ARG!! I hate using the past tense to describe her! It's just not right.

Man, I've had a few drinks tonight (it IS Tuesday after all) and I probably shouldn't even be posting about this right now. I've even had the thought that I shouldn't post about her at all. I guess I want to keep this feeling close to me so only I know. But I want to put a tribute out to her anyway.

Cecilia, you were my friend. I won't forget you.


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