Stupid Saturn Rising

My horoscope today said that "my insecurity has taken on a life of its own". That's comforting. Now I remember why I quit reading horoscopes. Although, I thought I was just making the title up with this reference to Saturn rising, but as it turns out, my astrological chart really does say that Saturn is my ascendant planet right now. I'm super fucking in tune with my planets, so just keep that in mind. It's my secret weapon.

In other news, have you ever had that problem where you have absolutely so much going on and so much to do, that you find yourself unable to start and complete one simple task? Take for instance, a blog post. I must have started writing on four separate posts in the last week, yet you can easily see nothing new posted in that time frame. I'm guilting on the fact that I haven't posted in so long. Generally, I wouldn't care so much - at least not enough to feel guilty about it - but the wicked knowledge that there are a few hardy souls out there that read this coupled with my guilt susceptibility (thanks Catholicism!) makes for an easy guilt trip delivered by my own head.

This silly blog has become my main creative outlet, which, judgment on the sad nature of that statement aside, I never anticipated it would evolve as such. Sometimes it's freeing. Sometimes it's anxiety-inducing. But it's always interesting (to me anyway) to see what will end up on the page. I don't write posts out on paper or in Word before posting, I just kind of let it happen. For better or worse, once I hit the publish button, it's out there.

So, here it is. And until the next brain dump comes along to grace this ugly-ass page, check out the blogs on the sidebar over there. I added one that I truly love to read: Mimi Smartypants. I suggest you all go check her out as she's probably one of the funniest writers I've come across on this here Internet thingy.


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Darling Dawners that I do love so!! Now, listen, honey. Saturn is not Rising in your chart right now, it's ALWAYS rising. You have Saturn planted right on your Gemini Ascendant. For you, Saturn will always color the energy of your Ascendant. Your Ascendant is at 19 degrees Gemini. Saturn was located at 22 degrees Gemini on the day/moment of your birth. See what that means? It's super close, kind of making you a cross between a Gemini Rising person and a Capricorn Rising person (because Saturn rules Capricorn).

"Saturn rising gives an ambitious and clear-minded individual, with a strong sense of responsibility. You are persistent, careful and calculating, and have a deep urge for mastery and achievement. You are dutiful and may appear grim in your outlook, for you are cautious and rarely take chances. You may have difficulties, limitations or delays in the achievement of your goals, but you usually achieve success in the end. There may have been problems in your early life with finding your own identity, independent of parental figures, and you may in your adult life operate out of a subconscious fear that if you don't conquer the world first, then it will conquer you instead. When you are at your best, you can transform your struggle from a personal drive for power in the world into a model for others wherein society itself is enlightened."
Anonymous said…
But how great is it that she called the post "Stupid Saturn Rising" without even HAVING A CLUE that she freaking has Saturn Rising??? And the part where Saturn, is, by nature, SUPER FUCKING HARD, so calling it "stupid" is PERFECT! I love that!!!!
Unknown said…
i feel i have nothing to contribute on the topic of saturn, as i know very little on it, but...hi.
Life said…
I thought you stopped reading horoscopes because IT'S A SIN! (cue the pet shop boys. wasn't that the pet shop boys? i could google but meh). Lily is attacking my keboard. Help! 6352/.,kib
Tarjaay this weekend- I'm all over it.
p.s. it is funny how silly blogs become such a creative outlet. that and flickr for moi.
Unknown said…
hi. my name is Tommy and I have Saturn rising. (saturn 28 scorpio,ascendant 0 sagittarius). what is funny is that saturn was stationary, which means that it went retrograde the next day. I have always been sad, with low self esteem, felt stupid, and others didnt like me. i have always been tall and slim, with very little flexibility and with pale skin, and i am bad at sports. i learn languases with ease, and i often make people feel negative feelings, but sometimes i make them laugh very much. but now that i am 24, and i know every single planet and aspect that affects me, i learned ways to feel better. i just finished University, I am a teacher and I have had many girls. the only problem is that saturn used to affect my sex life negatively, but now things are better. if you want to see how great saturn conjunct ascendant is, watch me making perfect car sounds with my mouth (actually it's uranus-technology planet in
1st house, which is receiving the tension by sun opposition moon, which uranus squares.)
Unknown said…
hi. my name is Tommy and I have Saturn rising. (saturn 28 scorpio,ascendant 0 sagittarius). what is funny is that saturn was stationary, which means that it went retrograde the next day. I have always been sad, with low self esteem, felt stupid, and others didnt like me. i have always been tall and slim, with very little flexibility and with pale skin, and i am bad at sports. i learn languases with ease, and i often make people feel negative feelings, but sometimes i make them laugh very much. but now that i am 24, and i know every single planet and aspect that affects me, i learned ways to feel better. i just finished University, I am a teacher and I have had many girls. the only problem is that saturn used to affect my sex life negatively, but now things are better. if you want to see how great saturn conjunct ascendant is, watch me making perfect car sounds with my mouth (actually it's uranus-technology planet in
1st house, which is receiving the tension by sun opposition moon, which uranus squares.)

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