Like Fruit: Easily Bruised

If I could take photos of my bruises that accurately reflected the depth of color and relational size, I'd probably start a bruise blog wherein I could diarize the comings and goings of my colorful skin. This week's soccer game left me with a couple on my arm and a lovely, huge, and frightfully painful one on my shin. It's so bad, I might have to sit out next week as the thought of anything even brushing up against it makes my eyes water. And sitting out fries my eggs...I pay to play so if I'm in town and physically able to be there, I'm there.

What's more, I'm pretty sure my psyche is just as easily bruised. Maybe if I could, say, eat a lot of pineapple and that would cure my subcutaneous bruising, I could find some remedy for the bruising I take regularly to my soul? Something like rubbing shedded dog hair on my eyebrows would be good, lord knows I've got plenty of dog hair at my disposal.

Don't get me wrong, most of the soul bruising is self-inflicted. I'd venture to say it's close to 90%. I can't just skip the next game to give it time to heal though, so I have to play through the pain. And some days, it's just not that easy and it makes me cry. The short-term solution I'm working on follows the idea that it's OK to feel bad and it's OK to cry. I just have to have faith that it won't always be like it is today. Isn't there some quote about the only constant is change? That would prove my point quite nicely if I could remember it or summon the energy to Google it.

In the span of a week, I've gone from being all "stuff is afoot!" to this. Pretty spectacular isn't it, the way I can flip-flop? Damn! There I go again with the negativity. See what I mean? It just comes naturally. The best part is that nothing really happened in the interim to sway my sentiment so fast. If there's no problem, not to worry! I'll make something up.

I think I've had enough postulating for today. Excuse me while I go rub arnica gel on my leg.


Anonymous said…
We girls need to get together. It seems we have all been dealing with this lately. I like your idea that it's okay to feel like crap, cause it will get better. It HAS to (in the words of our other sis), but sometimes, after several days, it's really hard to remember that. What if life is solid crap for several years? Do you ever give up? Inquiring minds want to know.
Life said…
"The only constant is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today."
— Isaac Asimov

Also, I think you may want to get your leg looked at since that is one spectacular bruise. Don't know what they'd do but still...
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
J - You won't give up. You're too strong and you love too much.

K - Thanks for the quote. And no, I'm not getting my bruise looked at. I tried that once before and they can't do anything about it. I just need to ice it down a lot and maybe, I don't know, NOT PLAY for a week or two. Sigh.
JP said…
If you're not battle scared you're not playing right so be proud of your multicoloured skin and get back out there woman.

I played my penultimate footie match in HK last night and now have no skin on my knees (sliding tackles on concrete are never a wise move). On the birght side I'll have some great scabs to play with on the train through Russia (nice image for you there!)

JP x

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