
Showing posts from March, 2006

This rates pretty high on my weird-shit-o-meter

I just can't help but laugh at these Egyptian hairless cats. I'm not sure why you'd want a cat with no fur - isn't the softness factor half the point of having a cat? Can these possibly be soft? They look transparent. Maybe it's a mimicry thing. The look on that papa/mama cat's face is priceless. ARGH! Thar me kitties and you can keep yer damn paws off 'em!

Need a Place to Live?

You do? Well, it's your lucky day as I just happen to have a house for rent. That's right, all of your wildest dreams of living in suburbia can come true for the low low price of $895 a month! Look at everything you ever wanted in a rented domicile: 3 bedrooms 1 bathroom walk-out basement fenced yard that backs to a park close to school bus stop clean house with modern kitchen and hardwood floors And the coolest landlords you could hope for. You don't bother us and fuck up the house and we won't bother you! Hey, and we allow pets!! That right there is worth it's weight in gold anymore. So if any of the 5 of you reading this need a place to live (highly doubtful, I know) or know of anyone that is looking (more likely - a girl can hope can't she?) have them give me a call. It's available Saturday! Gulp.

Richard Marx

DG and I were talking this morning about the musical tastes of our parents and even though they were separated by a thousand or more miles, their musical tastes overlapped quite a bit. Except for the Abba - I don't think my Dad would be caught dead listening to Abba. That got me to thinking about the first concert I ever attended. I use the word concert loosely here because it was really a live performance at a Six Flags theme park and I don't know if you can qualify that as a real, live concert. And yes, it was Richard Marx. I'm so proud. The first "real" concert I went to was REM on the Green album tour. I was really more excited about one of the opening bands, Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians. This would turn out to be the first time I identified the smell of the devil weed. DG's first concert was War. Which, I think is pretty damn cool. He was like 8 and his parents took him. My Dad hadn't EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT until two years ago and that...

Didja Hear

New Edition is getting back together! Let's see if Bobby Brown can still hang. I know I'm waiting with baited breath. Ew, "baited breath"? I just grossed myself out.

Vednesday Vent - More Like Wednesday Whine

Last year, I participated in my very first fantasy baseball league. I started game one in the cellar and never got higher than second-to-last place in the standings. So, needless to say (but obviously I'm gonna anyway) my team was sucky. And maybe I didn't understand the intricacies of the game. And maybe certain people in the league were no help by not really playing and still beating me. And maybe I was a little bitter that my 15-yr old brother was beating me the entire season. But for real, all of my players SHOULD have been good, but weren't. For instance, see 2005 stats for Curt Schilling, Todd Helton, Mike Lowell and that stupid Luis Gonzalez or whatever his name is Arizona player that was good like 3 years ago. But hey, I'm going to pick myself up, brush off the grime of the cellar and play again this year. And the draft is this afternoon. And I have done just about as much research this year as last (read: zero). But I have a cool team name this year! ...

Bang Bang (Mother Nature Shot Me Down)

I have a penchant for nature. I like to be out in it and marvel at the little ways that plants and animals make it work for them. And yes, if you are just realizing it, I'm a big dork. But today, I'm a little pissed off at nature. Here's why: What you're looking at is a bloom on my peach tree. The same peach tree that had a total of seven flowers last year. The same peach tree that had hundreds of blooms (and therefore potentially hundreds of peaches) that are now covered in two inches of snow. Bastards! Who OK'd this snow? I did NOT see the memo asking for permission for it to snow on the second day of spring. SPRING! Did you hear me Mother Nature? It's SPRING! Spring snow is dandy and all...if you live in Colorado or Antarctica. In Missouri? We no likey.

Friday Fuck It

Today I'd like to give a middle finger salute with a big, wet FUCK YOU to: - The girl on my own soccer team that ran into me knee-on-knee last night. If we're wearing the same color shirts, stay away! Pick a position and play it for fuck's sake. And quit yelling at everyone from the sidelines the few times you're not on the field - either be positive or shut up already. - Everyone taking today off to get drunk because of some Irish saint. Slackers. - The guy dressed up as the Statue of Liberty and standing on the side of First Capitol waving and grinning like an idiot. He's representin' Liberty Taxes and just the sight of you makes my stomach heave with the thought of filing taxes. Hi! YOU SUCK. - Chumbawumba. What a dumb fucking name. Your turn. Who really fries your eggs today? Let them know how you really feel without letting anyone really know. No one reads this! Let it all hang out.

Hello, Cleveland?

This is my friend JoySoy Habanero. Here she is posing in the most timid posture/facial expression she knows. In the pan? Are the muy delicioso enchiladas that she made for DG's birthday party. What you can't see in the picture is the OTHER pan of enchiladas with GREEN sauce. Who made 'em? Why, it was JOYSOY HABANERO! I hope if she sees this that she doesn't mind I posted her pic here. If you do? Tell me. I'll remove it (if you're worried about a lot of people seeing it because it's on this blog? Don't). But I have to say that it's my favorite picture of you EVER. Well, I do love this one too: She's the one laughing in the face of certain death. JoySoy Habanero, te amo!

Call me a Waaaaambulance

I can't believe my last post was on Wednesday. It seems like forever ago and just a minute ago, all at the same time. Maybe that's due to the raging head cold I've had since oh...Thursday. Except I'm currently saying it more like "Turdsday". In this case, it's appropriate. Gah, I hate head colds. Especially the ones that move into your lungs - which I'm sure has nothing at all to do with the fact that I haven't stopped smoking cigarettes. I do usually cut way back or stop when I'm sick, but for some reason, I've been too stupid this time. Not only not quitting, but I went bowling last night with the fam and managed to smoke a half a pack of Merit Ultra Light 100's. I wish I was kidding. So I have absolutely no room to whine and complain about the duration of this cold. But, I do feel obligated to complain about my CD RW drive crashing and...well, not burning. Sucky McSuckFace y'all.

We loves us some Feng Shui

A good Feng Shui lion in front of the HSBC building in Hong Kong. This guy must be protected by something because this cool statue didn't get NEAR as much love as this thing: This rugby-playing plastic monstrosity was petted, poked, kissed, fondled and otherwise manhandled by nearly every person that walked in the door. Even the people that worked there were all over it. I saw one girl GIVE IT TONGUE. Had she only knew how many skanky bitches and swarthy guys touched right there, I think she would have reconsidered.


So...I'm old. Not as old as some and not as young as others, but in terms of baby-making, I'm getting into that Old Stage. Where, if/when I were to get preggers, my doctor will likely make several references to the advanced age of the mother. Guh. Mother. Eek. See, I can't make up my mind whether I want to have kids or not. One week I'll see a baby or a little kid and think "I could deal with that". And then the next week, I'll hear a story about episiotomies or get sent an mpeg file of babies crying and I'll no sooner than see or hear these things and my mental switch is flicked in the opposite direction..."I'd be CRAZY to deal with that". Someone recently asked me if I wanted to have kids. My answer: I'm afraid that if I don't, I'll regret it. And it occurred to me later that that could be the most selfish thing I've ever said out loud. I fully admit to being a selfish person. As much of a whiner and pessimi...

Bad news from far away

I've said it before that I'm not one to make friends very readily. I try to be nice to people in general (for the most part, come on!), but I don't often feel a real connection with people - at least enough to consider them a "friend". I've been working in the same industry for over 5 years and in that time I really only feel like I've made let's say, 3 or 4 friends - in my definition of the term. Granted, the industry I work in is very global and I don't see many of these people except for once or maybe twice - in rare cases three times a year. A person I consider a friend died this weekend. This morning when I went to work, the first thing I heard was that there were rumors that C was killed in an automobile accident. She was living in Costa Rica and according to the US State department website, car accidents are the 7th leading cause of death there. I wouldn't believe it since it was just a rumor - and one that I was loathe to give any ...

Happy Birthday Mr. Gravy

I know - a day late and a dollar short, per usual. I needed a full day to recover from the 3rd Annual JaMexican party, so DG's actual birthday (yesterday) was spent doing absolutely nothing. I mostly watched TV and he mostly slept...all day. So sloth-like. The only thing I really wanted to do but didn't is download the pictures onto Flickr. Oh and wash the dishes. Um...and vacuum the floors (good god they are dirty). Maybe pick up the soggy mess outside by the fire pit? Whatever, none of that got done. Thanks to everyone that came to the party and I hope everyone had a good time. I know DG did and I certainly did. And you all let DG win at quarters too - that's really sweet! I think he made about $20. I swear we don't practice pitching quarters all year in anticipation of the one time we have a really...we don't...PROMISE. And to DG: " I love technology. But not as much as you, you see. Always and forever. Always and forever ."

What do you mean by "perfect"?

I have to admit that I was a bit anxious about the Hong Kong part of my latest trip. I didn't know what to expect, but I knew what I thought would be ideal: seeing a bit of the city, hanging out, making new friends, eating exotic food, sleeping on the couch and the like. I ended up experiencing a bit of the old college glory days and I didn't expect it to make the impact on me that it did. I did see a good bit of the city (the important parts anyway - I was only there for 5 days), hung out more than a nice local girl should, made a few new friends, ate mostly safe food that was ordered for me in most cases (a good thing too since nothing was recognizable), and managed to avoid the sofa altogether. But I think the part that really made the impact is that I never expected to have such a good time. It ended up being one of the best trips I've ever taken. My expectations were not just blown out of the water - more like they were strung up like a trophy fish and mounted on the w...