
Originally uploaded by Corn Dog.

This little guy has been on my desktop since about Halloween. For some reason, this picture just makes me bust a smile in even the crankiest of moods. I really wish I had a dog like that and had thought of this costume and could take credit for it. But alas, I have no one to give credit to for this pic - a friend sent it to me via email. So if the owner of this picture sees this, I totally would give you credit if I knew who you be.

Anyway, I have a song that performs the same function as this picture - Eine Kleine Nachtmusick by Mozart. Every time I hear it, I must smile. What song/picture/quote makes you smile no matter your mood?


Life said…
steal my sunshine by some one hit wonder band always makes me smile. and ruca by sublime. and mike singing some dumb song because it is funny, unless i'm rolling my eyes because he won't stop singing supercalafragilisticexpaladocious.
i think i spelled that wrong.
Meg said…
That is the cutest thing! But the poor puppy. He may not be so happy! If you like this kind of thing, check out stuffonmycat.com

Life said…
must have new update! choking fear of no new post seizing my heart! need. more. corndog.

(cornuts! bq or plain? bq!)

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