A Collage o' Fire

Originally uploaded by Corn Dog.

I was rebuffed this weekend - they said I had no frame of reference in my pictures to show how big the fire was. But you know? I wasn't really as fascinated as everyone else with the SIZE of the fire. I just love how it morphs and changes and looks cool. If I could have a fire in my family room, I wonder if it would make me watch less TV. I didn't miss TV for one single moment this weekend and it was glorious.

But. I'm weak. And I love love love The Sopranos. And Deadwood. And - oh never mind. You get the picture.


Life said…
you know, if you had told me what your sneaky ass was up to, i could have sat around all weekend imagining i was in front of a campfire with you. harumpf.

(nice pics though. who is seamus?)
Life said…
i clicked round round round
with my digital camera
i clicked round round round
as the flames grew higher
and i made made made
a collage of fire
a collage of fire

(doo doo doo doo doo doo doo dooo)
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
I wasn't being sneaky. And besides, if I had told you, you would have accused me of rubbing it in or some other nonsense. Tell me you wouldn't...go ahead...I dare you.

And Seamus is Mark Blood's puppy. Mark is Big Thirsty's friend Mark - you've met him. That dog would run into everything and everybody - it was bizarre how keen of a sense he had. And he ran like a puppy - all awkward and tripping all the time. He was fucking cute.
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
And Kimba, I L-O-V-E your Johnny Cash rendition of Ring of Fire as "Collage of Fire". Why didn't I think of that?

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