Knee Deep in the Hoopla

So aside from the one time this weekend I tried to post but Blogger was down for "scheduled maintenance" I have no excuses for the lag time between posts.

What I've been doing since last Tuesday:
  • Buying bronzer. Do you realize how many types of bronzer there are out there?
  • Cardinals game. Cards v. Cubs, installment # 5 of the season. Cardinals won. How sad am I that Derek Lee wasn't in the Cubbies' lineup? Why, not sad in the least. And to the Cubs fan lady that sat in front of us, I say "bite me". Your fake fingernails were stupid, just like your pathetic dirty looks.
  • Trying to figure out what to wear to the christening this weekend. Gah, I hate clothes shopping in this town.
  • Cleaning up barf. Cassady and I both puked Friday night. Too bad I never trained him to take care of that business in the toilet like me. Instead? He opted for the carpet in front of the washing machine. Super!
  • Rearranging the Pine Room. We got some couches from my Grandma (who's being more or less evicted by my uncle) so we put those in the Pine Room and moved the luscious futon into the spare bedroom for guests. The new (to us ) couches were built by my Grandpa, so I know they'll last forever. Thanks Grandpa!
  • Working in the yard. Spring smells so good.
  • Not blogging. Something happened in the last week that has cut off all imaginative thought processes and rendered me witless and without a lick of gumption to put down any thoughts for others to see.

Work is beyond manic/chaotic/hectic right now. I'm not using that as an excuse for anything but the mental drain that is the cause for the last bullet point. And I simply refuse to use this as an outlet for work venting. I won't be Dooced! But I may be damned.


Life said…
i bought some jergens skin glowing lotion whatever and it did work- didn't even make my palms orange. i hear the dove face stuff es muy bien.

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