Busch Stadium Collage

A collage from my trip to the new Busch Stadium yesterday. Now, you might think from my Friday Fuck It rant about the Cardinals ownership that I wouldn't want to patronize them. That's not the case. I fucking love the Cardinals team and going to games. The ownership can't kill the part where baseball is an integral part of summertime in St. Lou.

I really hope that the new stadium won't be as much of a clusterfuck as I think it's going to be. Of course there will be an adjustment period where no one will know where to go or how to get where they want to be. But there seemed to be an awful lot of places where traffic could bottleneck. Here's to hoping it doesn't suck.

And what do y'all think of the collage thing? Love it or hate it, let me know. Me? I kinda love it.


Life said…
i fucking hate your collage.

(obviously, i'm kidding. i love it with the white hot burning of a 1000 suns)
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
I'm seriously crushed. Will never post again.
Life said…
actually, i thought the photos were excellent. i like the ones of TnA on different levels and the sunset pic. The photo of you is also tre bonita- nice lighting.

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