Can I Just Say...

...I hate taxes with the fiery hot hate of the ant looking at a magnifying glass.
...I'm glad Kurt Vonnegut was a writer. His wit and unique worldview are immortalized in print and that makes me happy.
...I'm the oldest person I know that still gets an Easter basket from their mum. She even puts money in a plastic egg. She's such a softie.
...I think once the grandkids start popping out (not me, my sister-in-laws. don't freak out), my Easter basket getting days are over.
...I'm really sad my iPod got jacked up on my last work trip. The sound only comes through on one channel now and it's not the headphones - it's the jack in the iPod. Boo.
...Work sucks so bad it's actually funny. Not the hours I'm working, but the sheer amount of chaos is amusing. Silly work people.
...My fantasy baseball team is wank. I'll never win with that motley crew.
...I'll think of something actual to post over the weekend. Piney is rejuvenating like that.


Life said…
Jack! Get out of the ipod! (I have to tell him to get out of everything else, why not your ipod?). Hope you had fun at the Piney and took a few pics. Maybe I'll actually get to go again some time this year. Maybe.
Unknown said…
you went to the piney this weekend? ahh...see any hellbenders? just kidding, it's illegal to even look for them. i kid you not. what was it that i was actually going to say? oh, right, i still get an easter basket. or, i did, until this year. :(
Anonymous said…
I want to go to the Piney and not look for hellbenders! God that sounds AWESOME. Can we maybe have a Bitches Only Pineyfest this year? Is that possible? Would we be able to build a proper fire? I know we could do the drinking and smoking part just fine. We have lots of practice with that part. Just think of it: Estrogen Bonanza Down By The River 2007. I think it could be fabulous. Legendary, even.
Unknown said…
that sounds fabulous to me. as long as i get ample notice---who knows what my schedule is going to be this summer. and i bet we wouldn't play w/ flamethrowers or burn furniture.
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
I bet we also wouldn't bind mouse corpses to bottle rockets and shoot them off. Or shoot homemade bombs with shotguns. Nope. Not us girls.
Unknown said…
god...morons...i mean lovable rascals. yeah...

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