Friday Fuck It

Where to begin...just so many choices.

  • To the St. Louis Cardinal team ownership: You suck. You threatened to move the team across the river when the state balked at paying for a new stadium. Then, you got your new stadium, sold everything out of the old stadium from the urinals to the bricks to the gum scraped off the bottom of the seats and made a fortune. And then? Then you decreased payroll and raised ticket prices so that now Cardinals tickets are more expensive than any other team's tickets except for TWO (the Boston Red Sux and the Chicago Cunts, I mean Cubs). Oh, and let's not forget how you alienated a huge fan base by switching from a 50,000 watt radio station to a 5,000 watt station - basically going from a bullhorn to a can on a string contraption. Thanks for showing your appreciation to the best fans in baseball. Fuckos.
  • To the wind: Hey, how about NOT blowing giant traffic barrels into our lane while we're doing 55 mph? What do you think? And next time we drive home from the Piney, how about no gale-force winds that hinder us staying in one lane when there's only one lane because of all of the bloody construction. Yeah? Great. Thanks.
  • To my neighbor attempting to build the Great Wall of China: Any chance you will finish that thing in my lifetime? I'm pretty fucking sick of the dust and mud and looking at your huge hole (heh). And since everything is all about me, my car is continually dusty from your damn dirt back yard. The Wall of Doom isn't holding up anything except the hill behind your house and now you're out of money to put in the pool that started this fiasco. If you had a pool? I'd probably be more sympathetic. With no pool? Bite me and my dusty car. I'm going to collect some dog shit from the back yard and paint the words "No Pool Having Losers" on your wall with it if you don't watch the fuck out.

I'm a bad ass. Don't make me kick you in your hooter brown.

Your turn. Let it all out. It's cathartic I tell ya.


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