Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

I've been thinking about bruises a lot lately. That could be because of the enormous, hideously-colored bruise I have on my left butt cheek right now.

How did this happen you ask?

Thanks for asking. And no, I won't show you. So Sunday we got back from the Piney and I was heading downstairs to get some laundry going. We dirty up a lot of stuff at the Piney, so after washing the dogs, laundry is priority numero uno upon our return. Right, so heading downstairs to the laundry...the stairs aren't carpeted or anything, just plain ol' wooden stairs. Turns out Corn Dog had left her rubber bone at the top of the stairs and I didn't see it sitting there perched at the top step. I took one step to make my 13 stair descent, stepped on the bone and my feet were no longer underneath me. I only fell about three or four stairs down and it could have been a lot worse. But my bum took the brunt of it and I have the seriously BLACK bruise to show for it. As an old friend would say "Gooooooooooooooood Corn Dog".

And since I will NOT be showing pictures of my bruised bum, I'll share another of my notorious bruises that I photographed for posterity. This one was a doozy:


Life said…
Come on, just tell them it was me that bruised your ass. My knees are a little sore too.
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
I left out the rug burn part on purpose.

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