Define Weird

I'm new to this whole tagging thing, but I'll give it a shot. Six things about me that are weird:

  1. I have webbed feet but I cut the webbing when I was young so no one can tell. [Edited to add: This is a complete falsehood. My real #1 weird thing is probably that I was conceived in Germany because my Dad hid my Mom's birth control pills]
  2. I bruise at the drop of a hat. And the hat doesn't even need to touch me - just land in the vicinity of my flesh. [Edited to add: This one is 100% true]
  3. My mom offered to "have my ears fixed" for my 14th birthday. And by fixed, she meant surgically modified so they don't stick out like satellite dishes attached to my head. [Edited to add: This one is more or less true. I don't remember which birthday this was for but I recall that I would have had to have the procedure done at the beginning of summer and the recovery would take a while so that I would be blowing half of my summer inside and that was the deal-breaker.]
  4. I had braces but they didn't take. They don't publicize it, but sometimes...sometimes no amount of squishing the teeth together with wire and cement can bridge the gap. [Edited to add: I do have gaps in my teeth, but I've never had braces. Just rubber bands and paper clips I fashioned into braces during Spelling class.]
  5. I secretly love dark chocolate. I can't tell anyone because they might think I'm prejudiced against the milk chocolate and I try to be PC as much as possible when it comes to the most delicious nectar of the earth. [Edited to add: This one? I do love dark chocolate with a fiery passion.]
  6. I have a birthmark on the back of my hand that looks like a patch of dark freckles. I like to tell people that ask what it is that I burned my hand and had to have skin grafted from my ass. [Edited to add: The birthmark part? True. And I have told people about the ass grafting before.]

And now I have to tag six people. But doesn't that really mean six people with blogs? I only personally know four bloggers and three of them have already been tagged. Is it legal to tag someone that's already been tagged but hasn't posted yet?

I hereby tag people that don't know me, except two: Secret Agent 009, Torrie, Bucky4Eyes, JP, SJ and Miss Zoot. Thanks Kimba.


JP said…
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JP said…
ok I was tagged but not sure I'm happy about giving my 6 eccentricities, no idea who I'm going to tag back but ...
Life said…
why do you have so many deleted comments? are you getting spaminated?
i didn't know about the webbed/braces/ear fix stuff. are you fibbin'?
josh has webbed toes too. apparently many cherokee do. or so he says.
Melissa said…
Does "I cut them" mean that you personally took a sharp object to the webbing or was that a medical procedure?
Life said…
LIAR!!! LIIIIAR!! (get back witch! I'm not a witch, I'm your wife. But after what you just said, I'm not even sure I want to be that anymore.)

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