Since he's the "favorite"...

...I know Jasoners? will forgive me for being late on his birthday post. Right? Right? Can I use the excuse that I was traveling for 17 hours yesterday and didn't get my luggage and had to file a report and so didn't get home until 8:00 pm after getting up at basically 10:30 pm the night before? Even if my luggage HAD arrived I was so fucking brain-dead, I couldn't be asked to answer the phone much less get online and try to create a worthy birthday post. So instead? Instead he gets this whiny, excuse-laden post! Being the favorite sure has its advantages.

And when I say "favorite", of course I'm referring to Mom & Dad's preferences. I love all three of my brothers equally as all good sisters should. But please, don't point out that Big D and BT didn't get their very own birthday posts, ok? If you do, I might have to post a picture of you wearing a wig. I have one. And I'm willing to use it to my own evil advantage, as all good sisters would.

Happy Birthday Jasoners?!!


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