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the "front" of the Sagrada Familia
Originally uploaded by Corn Dog.
This photo is of the main facade of the Sagrada Familia - quite possibly the most insanely beautiful incarnation of a church. Ornate doesn't begin to describe the vision of Antonio Gaudi with regards to this architecture. It's been under construction since the late 1800's and they're "hoping" it will be finalized by 2040. I was there four years ago and aside from some mosaic work, it looked almost exactly the same so I'm thinking the 2040 date might be amibitious, especially with the Spanish Manana work ethic. Go to my Flickr page to see the complete set of pictures from my second visit to this awe-inspiring place.
The trip was good. So descriptive and informative, aren't I? Overall, it was a good trip, but it was definitely wracked with a lot of the problems I've been having in my last few trips: loss of appetite, feeling horrid the next day after just a few drinks, pervasive feelings of nausea. Don't mistake this for complaining, I'm just wondering what the hell is wrong with me when I travel? I think stress is the most obvious answer and it's likely the main culprit, but what am I supposed to do about that? It's a crappy self-diagnosis because obviously if I could fix it myself, I would. And the thought of going to the doctor for some kind of prescription remedy just doesn't seem viable. I feel like I should just "be able to get over it", but this trip has confirmed my belief that it's not going to be that easy.
The super fun part of the trip was definitely hanging out with my British mates. The company I work for was acquired earlier this year by a British company that we've worked with a lot over the last four years, but this was really the first event where we were all together as a "team". The work part went as expected, but it was definitely the after work part that was really fun this time around. We all got properly pissed (read: drunk) and made fun of each others' accents. I now have "Fuck off, you fucking tosser" DOWN in the British accent.
Although, in the culinary delights department, I was much less adventurous than if you had been there.