It's Gettin' Kinda Hectic

Crazy times, eh? I think the Santa Ana winds are affecting more than just the probability of fires in the desert southwest. Either that or the stars are aligning (for you JoySoy!) so they can each get their respective kicks of my ass in one fell swoop. And I don't think it's just me - a lot of the other blogs I read are reflecting this Drama in their posts as well.

Well, to hell with the Drama, I say. Join me, dear readers, in rising up and giving the big finger to Drama.

Oh and by the way, JoySoy won the contest I posted here ages ago about how many pairs of shoes were on the wires. She was not 100% correct, but she was the closest. There were actually seven pairs in that pic. Yay JSH! You will now receive a recycled bathroom Elvis from our collection via USPS in 10 - 14 business days.


Life said…
hey- happy anniversary!!!

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