Random Questions

  • What is it about getting old that requires you to execute a turn in your car at 1 mph?
  • What could the founders of the company "Stinky Fish Poker" have possibly been thinking when they came up with that for a corporate name?
  • Where can I find a pair of gloves that don't have the finger tips? Obviously I could hack up a perfectly good pair of gloves and get the same effect, but since I'll be wearing these while typing, I don't want any of the little strings left from the hacking to get in the way of my lightening fast typing skills.
  • How un-American is it of me to not want to Buy! Buy! Buy! Christmas gifts?
  • How will we ever be able to top our Halloween costume of 2005 (feminine hygiene products for all of you that purged that memory already)? I have exactly 4 days to figure out a costume. Crap.
  • Why are there now 14 pairs of shoes on the telephone/power lines outside of my office?
  • Why am I so fascinated with the shoes on the wires that I count them every. single. day?
  • Are there any pre-emptive measures I can take to avoid bruising at the brush of a feather?
  • Do you want to see my bruise?
  • Where are all the good men dead? In the heart or in the head? (Name that movie)
  • Am I done with this ridiculously inane post yet?


Brian said…
Who am I? Where am I? And why am I eating cheese and cake in the nude?
Life said…
Grosse Point Blank.
Martin:Okay, would ya mind, just skip to the end.
Bob: To... the very end? "For a while."
Martin Q. Blank: Whew. That's good man.
Bob: "For a while."
Martin Q. Blank: That's excellent!
Bob: You wanna do some blow?
Martin Q. Blank: No I don't.

and i'm so finding a picture of you guys as feminie hygiene products.
JP said…
Sorry, can't help on any of them except to suggest avoiding feathers!
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
Turns out, the furnace in the part of the office where I sit was not actually working. Now? Much much warmer. Although I do sit next to two giant "windows". I use quotes because the wind kinda blows right through them somehow.

Hi Pilgrim! Glad you could join us and comment. To my loyal readers, I went to high school with Pilgrim and he was one of the FEW people in my class that I truly liked.

JP, but I love feathers!

Jasoners? It's high time you got a blog. But thank you for answering or attempting to answer all of my stupid questions. Oh and to the "holiday spirit" part I say BAH FUCKING HUMBUG
JP said…
Sorry Dawn but its feathers and bruises or no feathers and silky smooth unblemished skin, your choice!

And the spirit of Christmas... not that I'm really into that sort of thing but wasn't the original theory more to do with the birth of the son of god, salvation for the mortal souls of mankind and the celebration of the Christian faith more than running up credit card bills!?!

(for the record my spirit of Christmas is whiskey if anyone has spare CC capacity!)

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