Even the freakishly tall Alien in Disguise is rooting for the Cardinals. Come on boys...in the immortal words of Rob Schneider in Waterboy: "You can DO iiiiiiiiiiiiit!"
Will that post title work to distract you from the long slog between posts that seems to have become the norm? If yes, awesome, you're my kind of distracted. If not, toughen up, there's an arduous journey ahead of you and you should really save your strength for something more important to worry about...like toe hair and nose grease. And since that last might have sounded like some kind of advice, please heed my warning to never ever EVER, under penalty of looking stupid, take my advice on anything. "What do I know" is a common disclaimer I add to the ends of sentences in real life. If you want to get into the semantics of it, what do any of us really know ? Nothing is a foregone conclusion - I mean, just ask Pluto. You go for years being considered an equal and then some squinty-eyed scientists decide to strip you of your very lifeblood - who will ever learn to care about a non-planet? I guess lately I have been fooled into complacency, thinking I know somethin...
My horoscope today said that "my insecurity has taken on a life of its own". That's comforting. Now I remember why I quit reading horoscopes. Although, I thought I was just making the title up with this reference to Saturn rising, but as it turns out, my astrological chart really does say that Saturn is my ascendant planet right now. I'm super fucking in tune with my planets, so just keep that in mind. It's my secret weapon. In other news, have you ever had that problem where you have absolutely so much going on and so much to do, that you find yourself unable to start and complete one simple task? Take for instance, a blog post. I must have started writing on four separate posts in the last week, yet you can easily see nothing new posted in that time frame. I'm guilting on the fact that I haven't posted in so long. Generally, I wouldn't care so much - at least not enough to feel guilty about it - but the wicked knowledge that there are a few hardy sou...
bahamas05 030 Originally uploaded by Corn Dog . We're back from the Bahamas and now have moved seamlessly into the roles of guest entertainers. Dirty Gravy's Mom & Step Joe are in town for a week - they arrived the day after we got back into town, so it's been a bit hectic. Still have all of our gift shopping to finish and of course, I've managed to come down with a rockin' head cold. I'm not complaining though, I really hate chest colds and so far, this one's stayed in the sinus region. I'll be back early next week to relate the tale of the Sex Hex of the Bahamas and profess my love of Zicam.