My kind of baby shower

Note to potential baby gift buyers if I ever have a baby-I'm-not-saying-anything-so-don't-read-into-it:

- Pink Rule #1: No pink - girl or boy, no fucking pink outfits
- Blue Rule #2: No baby blue - girl or boy, same as Pink Rule #1

Call me cruel, call me heartless wench - do what you have to do for yourself. And by all means, dress your babies however makes you happy. Me, I don't enjoy these colors in bulk. And no, I am not foolish enough to think that my future children-that-aren't-on-the-way-yet-so-shut-up-everyone won't have outfits composed primarily of these colors and probably paired with teddy bears. But maybe if I put it out there now, word will get out and some day maybe there's no guarantee, I'll only get solid non-pastelly onesies at my baby shower. And I want a Fugazi poster as shown.


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