Friday Fuck It

Sometimes I think I might take things too seriously. No really, I do. I'm sure it isn't all that apparent. But if I let it all really weigh on me and don't have a way to vent, I can get really depressed about stuff that only philosophically affects me. Which can't be healthy, can it? No, I know it isn't healthy.

So when I read this today, I started getting pretty worked up. I mean, come on. At what point do we get to collectively say "We already figured this out and just because you're not happy with the outcome doesn't mean you get to keep bringing it up"? I guess never since society changes customs and beliefs about as often as Britney Spears drives with her baby on her lap. (By the way, small note on that: I knew she was in the car with her baby not buckled in, but I did not realize until today that she was DRIVING WITH THE BABY ON HER LAP. Kind of like a dog. I have no words right now to describe the sheer lunacy of this.)

I guess the whole history repeating itself thing is bound to play out again. Maybe it's been long enough for most people to forget the days of "doctors" with hangers in alleys and basements. And even if that's an exaggeration, I'm sure it was no picnic.

And how will doctors determine if having the baby will kill you? What if they're wrong and say you'll be fine and then you die in childbirth? Or what if you'll be paralyzed if you go full term - that doesn't count?

I can't believe I'm broaching this topic here. Honestly, I'm afraid people won't understand that I think the A word is dirtier than the CUNextTuesday word. I was raised that it was wrong and I firmly believe it. But I just can't get behind legislation banning it. If people REALLY cared about others in this situation, I think there'd be a lot more education (and I don't mean scare tactics in 7th grade - fuckers, I'm still scarred from that video) and more grass roots level types of programs to help them not ever get to the point where you have to make this decision. If there was real compassion, I don't think there'd be any question that a woman that was raped could be denied an abortion.

If you care about the topic and the unborn Beethoven's and Einstein's, then educate your children, your friends, your enemies. Participate in educational and supportive organizations that don't condemn, but help. But for fuck's sake, don't make us go back to SCOTUS on this issue. Aren't we divided enough?


Mewisemagic said…
I've often felt that if more "pro-life" people had "pro-choice" parents, there'd be a lot less crying going on in this country. Especially on election day!

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