
Here you see an English Premier League Football game between West Ham and Fulham. We were sitting in the Home section of West Ham's arena, so we were unequivocally fans of West Ham. And they won! With two fan-fucking-tastic goals, no less. It's not uncommon to have a 0-0 game in what we'd call soccer in the states, so for us to see a 2-1 game was kinda impressive.
Fans of footie chant and sing like crazy at the games. What are they chanting? I wish I could tell you and I even had an interpreter of sorts there telling me what he thought they were yelling, but it still made no sense whatsoever.
The best was the guy I sat next to for the second half. He kept making the hand gesture for jacking off and yelling "Fuck off you bloody Yank" every time this guy McBride on the Fulham squad touched the ball. And hey! What do you know? McBride is from The Lou! (Right, I've just annexed Arlington Heights, IL into STL, but who's counting?)