Wednesday Vent

I have to vent to someone. And since I'm already cheesed off that no one else did a haiku to their pets, I'll just vent right here.

My office arrangement is pretty nice. We don't have cubicles; we have a balcony that looks out on the first state capitol and the Missouri river; I've pretty much got my own little area; my co-workers deal with my constant stream of invective; they buy us soda. But the one downfall - the one that I'm focusing on today anyway - is that we don't have actual offices, it's just a bunch of open space. Generally speaking, it's a fine arrangement. Today though? The girl that sits closest to me has been coughing all day. Not like a little clearing of the throat - it's a dry, hacking cough that she sprays about every minute and a half. Actually, let me time it...


Nope, it's every 53.4 seconds.

I know she must be miserable. Nobody coughs that much and enjoys it. But the bitch of it is she's been doing it since we got back into the office from Montreal. That's like over a week! She hasn't gone to the doctor about it and from what I can tell, refuses to. If I was her, I'd probably be afraid to go too considering she hasn't cut back her daily cigarette intake at all and has really done nothing to alleviate the symptoms. She's perfectly fine to let the rest of us suffer right along with her. For all she knows, she's got walking pneumonia and is happily spreading it around the office.

It's just really irritating me today for some reason. All through the staff meeting: hack hack hack. All through staff lunch: hack hack hack. All through me trying to concentrate on any-damn-thing: hack hack hack. All through her sales phone calls: hack hack hack.

Someone, please, just make it stop!!


JP said…
If she's not stopped hacking yet why not just kill her!?! The entire population of China hacks none stop and it's disgusting, I find knocking them off stops it and is great stress relief...

[for those of you that don't know, I'm English and you therefre don't have to take me too literally]

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