For Future Reference

Last night, Dave and I were sitting on the couch around 7:00 pm. I'd just gotten home from work and we were in the midst of our "medicinal" ritual when I got a chill. The weather got a little colder since the day before and all of our windows were still open. If you've never seen me get a chill, my body does a mini-convulsion type of a thing...if I could time it right and throw in a curse word or two, I'm sure I could pass for having Tourettes. Who knows? Maybe I do have it. But just a mild case.

So without saying a word, Dave got up and closed all the windows. I asked him if he was cold and he replied that no, he wasn't, but noticed I got the chills. As I watched him close the windows throughout the house, I thought about how freaking sweet it was that he did that for me. He might not get every thing exactly right every single time, but he thinks about me and he truly wants to me to be happy and/or content. Apparently, no one told him he'd be fighting an uphill battle for the rest of his life, but let's not tell him now, k?

Just now, I was out on the balcony at work and had a little chill and I thought about it again and how I should really write it down somewhere so that the next time I was thinking Dave was being annoying, I might remember that in reality? He's the greatest freakin' husband a girl could ask for.


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