Game over, man! Game over!

Bill Paxton will always be Chet to me. I don't care how much HBO tries to show me his bum, he's still Chet. And sometimes he's Chet in other movies. Like when he was in Aliens or Alien or whatever...the title of this post is my favorite line from him in that movie. He plays such a good wussy man.

But the real reason the game is over for me has to do with work. Not to get into too much detail - let's suffice it to say that I'm damn close to fucked. Not just me though - all of us at work. Our server bit the big one on Sunday (while I was in the office ON.A.SUNDAY) and since then, have had no access to literally every single thing I need to make final preparations for our big conference/tradeshow next week. Did I say next week? Yeah, because I meant Holy Hell In A Handbasket NEXT WEEK.

We did get access to new incoming emails (not anything saved in outlook or outlook folders mind you) yesterday and the prognosis is for "seamless restart" tomorrow morning. Let's just say I'm less than optimistic everything will a) be there b) work right and c) work at all.

I've got this nervous laugh thing going on. Anyone have any Xanax to share? I think about 10,000 milligrams ought to cut it.

Update: It's Friday and not only are we still not back up to strength, we're not even close. That word "seamless"? It's the harbinger of doom I tell ya. Don't EVER say it. And if you neglect to heed this warning, you're only digging your own grave - I can't be held responsible.


Life said…
EGADS. Sorry bout that. Maybe ya'll should start using gmail.
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
DUDE! That's it! Absolutely perfect - I just played that at max volume in the office. So appropriate. Thanks Secret Agent 009.

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