A note to the IRS

Dear IRS,

Please suck it. That is all.

Corn Dog

On Sunday, my dear sweet Mom "Cojone Joanie", came over to help me sort out the 5,000 and one tax issues we had going on. Between a mess up on our 2004 joint taxes and Dave's business tax issues (x 3 ...do you have any idea what a pain in the ass it is to be in business for yourself? The IRS hates small business owners. Hates them!) I have had enough of writing checks to the sum-bitchin' guvmint.

But that was Sunday and it's Thursday you say? Yes I know, I can't even catch up on reading my daily dose of blogs. I have looked at my computer at home forlornly, sensing it's disappointment at my absence and thought "I can't be bothered to sit in front of the computer ANY MORE today! Take your dirty looks straight to hell!". And still, it sits there.

I'm at work right now and am taking part of my 15 minutes of down time to scarf some Bread Company soup just to get me off the hook of having to post anything real for at least another... let's say 5 days. I'm being realistic here. See how much you mean to me, little bloggie?


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