JoySoy Habanero Sin Cebolla y Con Cabello

I've written of my most awesome friend JoySoy Habanero before. And she's one of the few, the proud, the commenters on this here site. And today? Today is JSH's birthday! It's also Roald Dahl, Mel Torme and FABIO CANNAVARO's birthday today, but none of them, not EVEN Fabio is more fabulous than JoySoy Habanero. No contest.

Recently, JSH came along on a family dinner outing, complete with my grandparents and all my brothers and their wives. She sat next to my Grandpa and she had him giggling like a little kid for most of the dinner. My Grandpa was recently diagnosed with prostate and lung cancer and whenever I see him, I know the likelihood is greater that this could be the last time. But that night at dinner, I didn't think about him having cancer once and I dare say that with JoySoy at his side, I don't think he did either. That's what JSH brings to the table and it's just ONE of the reasons I love her so.

Here's JoySoy arm-wrestling my Mom at that very same dinner outing:

JoySoy won this battle...but I can guarantee my Mom will want a rematch...

Feliz Cumpleanos JoySoy Habanero!!


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