Blogging Lunch

I'm fortunate in that I live really close to work. As in, I can drive home, get some Corn Dog & Cassady time in, make lunch, eat, more dog time, and then drive home in the span of an hour. Oh, and apparently, I now have time to blog on lunch.

Yum, french bread pizza...

So much has happened in the last few days. To catch up: we went camping with the dogs and NOT to the Piney. Remarkable. Most important thing learned: our dogs are the bad pulling on the leash, barking, whining every time another dog goes by, sounding vicious towards men types of dogs everyone hates. Super. So, time to renew efforts at dog training because the actual camping part was fucking great. Pictures on Flickr soon.

What else? Steve "Crikey, She's a Beaut" Irwin died from a stingray through the chest. Shocking and not shocking at the same time - but anyone with an empathetic bone in their body has to feel for Terri, Bindi and Bo. And is Suey still around?

It's my brother's birthday today. Shout out to Big Thirsty Who Should Be Big Hungry (But I Fucked It Up). Happy Birthday Bro. (Updated to add: It was his birthday when I started writing this post. Oops)

Oh, here's one: the bar I frequented on Thursday nights went and burnt up. The damage doesn't look too too bad though, so I'm hopeful they'll be back in business before too long. A shame though since the outdoor patio was the main attraction for me and by the time they re-open, it'll be too cold to enjoy it. Maybe they'll prove me wrong.

Also? I was forced into being a voyeur. Friday night we didn't have campsite reservations (on Labor Day weekend - I'm officially a complete moron) and the gate of the campground was closed, so after much driving and searching, we opted to sleep in the van in a hotel parking lot. We parked near the back and as Dave took the dogs out for their business, I noticed a couple talking by a nearby car. You could tell they were flirting and having a good time. So, a few minutes later, I look out the front window of the van and notice that one of them is spreading a blanket in some grass between the highway and a smallish bush behind the motel. Then, I see their silhouettes take off their clothes and then the silhouettes know. So romantic, I tell ya. Gah.

So, it's been an interesting few days. Can't wait to see what's coming next...


Life said…
where did you go camping?

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