Don't You Love it When...

  • ...You pull clothes out of your closet that you haven't worn in a few months and you find money in the pocket? And usually it's all crispy and folded funny because it went through the washer and dryer in the pocket. I like crispy clean money I didn't know I had.
  • ...You get text messages? I know I do. This morning I had two: the first was from JP in Hong Kong and said something along the lines of "Woohoo, it's Friday! Hope you can escape to the pub soon". The second message was from Anna and said something along the lines of "The pub you've frequented for the last eight years burned down last night". Such parity with the texts this morning. Coincidence? Who cares! I got two texts!!
  • ...You see your vet at the baseball game and he totally knows your name AND your dogs' names? I mean, granted he's seen Cassady only about 25 times so far this year, but I didn't even hardly recognize him as the vet without his white coat on. And he asked about how he was doing and sounded just as concerned as he does when we're in his office. I thought that was really cool.
  • ...You get to see not one or two, but like 10 really good shooting stars in one night? I love the Perseids.
  • ...You have friends that remind you to LOVE instead of HATE? I was going to do another "Don't you hate it when" posts when I was urged to try and think of things I love. I'm liking it - but I have to say, I probably get more comments on posts about hate than ones about love. Here's ya'll's chance to prove me wrong.
  • ...Your honey gets out of bed and then covers your feet back up because they were exposed when he/she got up?
  • ...You go to your friends' blog and realize they now have a notify function? Ahem...wink wink...nudge nudge. If you look in the sidebar near the bottom, there's a Notify List function now where you can input your email and get alerted when I post. And considering the exorbitantly long delay between posts that I force my faithful readers to suffer through, I thought it was the least I could do.

What gets you through the day?


Life said…
1. Your husband calls you and asks if you want to sneak away for an hour to some place with a vibrating bed (never mind neither one of you could ever get away at the moment)?
2. You realize a new Harry Potter movie will be out before long?
3. You catch your son peeing mid-stream on film (okay digital)?
4. The lady at the fruit stand carries your bags out and loads them in the car for you because you are holding a baby?
5.You go to the chiropractor and get sooo cracked that you feel your toes tingle as blood rushes back into your feet?
6. You have the possibility of going out tonight?
JP said…
1. You get a perfectly pulled pint of Guinness
2. You accidentally sit up all night with a mate and a bottle of scotch or two
3. You jump off something a little higher than you should (physically and/ or metaphorically)
4. You sit out at night and watch a storm gather and break over you
5. You find yourself in a nightclub toilet with a young lady and... (probably far enough!!!)

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