
Growing up, I can clearly remember the phrase "The world does NOT revolve around you" being bandied about by my parents. Of course, I also remember hearing "Your butt pumps pond water" but that's beside the point. I've been accused of being selfish and it's only lately when taking stock of my life that I've come to realize that yes, I'm a pretty selfish person. So now what? Is this a shortcoming I should try to resolve? How can I become less selfish? I know! I'll start a blog, name it after my dog and then incessantly talk about myself and my "issues", real or imagined. That should start me on the road to becoming a recovering selfish person, don't you think?

Oh. You don't think that'll help too much? Oh well then. Fuck it.

Case in point: I've been seeing a lot of these things called "memes" on other blogs I read. I've actually participated in one once. Since then I haven't been invited to participate in another meme (meme: made up of the word me twice...coincidence? I think not) and instead of wondering why no one has tagged me, I'll just put it out there to my 12 readers: which meme would you like to see here on Corn Dog Blog? And please, indicate whether you would like honest responses from me or made up responses from Corn Dog.

Meme 1: Things I'm Obsessed With (That I Promise Won't Include Fabio Cannavaro Even Though I'm Totally Obsessed With Him Right Now)

Meme 2: Things Around Me (That I Won't Use As A Weapon In Case Of Emergency)

Meme 3: Stuff Portrait Friday (You'll have to go to Random And Odd to see the rules on this - she calls it SPF)

Meme 4: 5 Things (I Hate More Than The Word Jizz) (No really, see Kimba's version.)


Life said…
I vote for the obsession one! Just like the perfume! The stinky one! i like exclamation points!
JackIrons009 said…
Why someone would want to fill out a chain letter on their blog is beyond me. It like people are in school and they need the teacher to give out an assignment to fill up thier journal.
Em... Jasoners...
Life said…
boys are teh stupid.
JP said…
Did anyone ever prove beyond doubt that the world doesn't revolve around you? Bollocks to the "you're a bit self absorbed" crap, if you don't believe in yourself and think about yourself who else will? There may be no I in team but there is clearly a big fat ME... Do whatever meme you want to whatever the hell one is.

PS. am I allowed to ask if SS is now really minted!?!
Life said…
Dude are you ever going to post again??? Too many happy hour margaritas at la tolteca to post? COME ON!

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