No More Waiting Game

Originally uploaded by Corn Dog.

Results are in and 9 out of 10 veterinarians agree Cassady does NOT have the Big C! His lump was an inflammation of tissue basically, so it's very good news for the Beaner Bean.

In celebration of the good news, here's a picture of Cassady in his prime doing what he was born to do. Somewhere I have video of this too - will try to find that to post here. And to think, all the jumping and frisbee catching started with a little squeaky Woodstock chew toy I bought in Connecticut.

Most people don't understand that the playing of the frisbee is not just one trick. It's actually four tricks in rapid succession:

1) Jumping for the Frisbee
2) Catching the Frisbee in the mouth (extra points if he tips it with his nose/head and then catches it)
3) Bringing it back
4) Dropping it.

In my experience with Cassady, no.'s 1 & 2 came pretty naturally to him. Number 3 was a bit trying - what with the constant sniffing of the leaves/trees/butts/whatever of anything in a 500-yd vicinity of where we were playing. But no. 4 was by far the one he struggled with the most. If you tried to grab it while he was still holding it - forget it. That's a totally different game called Tug-of-War and he'd win that one every time. And after almost 12 years of playing Frisbee, you might think that he has #4 down by now, wouldn't you? Yeah, well, apparently, it's a lot of fun to bend the Frisbee in half and gnaw on it for a few seconds and THEN drop it. We call that "Taco-ing" the 'Bee. It's an industry term.

He hasn't played 'Bee much lately - not since the whole "My Dumb Dog Blew His ACL" incident. I've missed it and I'm sure he's missed playing too. Maybe now that his mind isn't thinking "Must.Itch.Incessantly" all the time (the yeast infection on his skin is clearing up nicely, but the allergies are still there - but still, WAY less itching than before) we can see if he has interest again.


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