Happy Birthday Mom

Can I just tell y'all how lucky I am? I just happen to have the coolest Mom you could ever hope to have. Why is she so cool you ask? Aside from having a damn cool daughter who has taught her a lot about being cool, there are a couple of other things:

  • BFF - My Mom is my No. 1 Best Friend Forever and always has been. Even when I was a whiny, selfish little brat teenager, she managed to relate to me on a level I could respect. Looking back I appreciate how bloody hard that must have been. In her shoes, I think I would have smacked me back then on a daily basis. And now that I'm older and quite obviously her mental superior, she still manages to engage me in conversation that doesn't bore me too badly. (Can you tell I'm going to be sending her the link to this post?)
  • Encouragement - When I was like 8, I used to say that I didn't want to go to college because I never wanted to leave my parents. My mom gently encouraged me to think about it closer to that time and not be too rash about that decision. When I chose a school that was only a 3-hour drive away, my Mom gently encouraged me to come home as much as possible. When I graduated, didn't get the dream job and then up and decided to move to Colorado, my Mom gently encouraged me to try it out against her better judgment. She's a great soundboard for my ideas and I can count on her to gently encourage me to get-fucking-real when the situation warrants it. Not that my ideas ever warrant that, but you know, for the sake of argument...
  • Wing Span - Somehow, she's managed to let me do my own thing, learn from my own mistakes and always be there in case I fucked it all up without being overbearing. In short, she's encouraged me to spread my wings with the comfort of the knowledge that she'll always be there to revel in my celebration or soothe the ensuing meltdown without judgment. Oh she has an opinion and a judgment call on everything alright. But that doesn't always mean she shares it. That's probably something I strive for everyday in my own life. Not that I want to be like her. Nope. No way.
In short, I love my Mom about as much as my cold little heart can love someone. All kidding aside, I love you Mom. A lot. The mostest.

And Dad, if you read this, your birthday is in December so you're just going to have to wait. Love you too!

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JP said…
Having only met your mum over a couple of days in Sydney when I seem to remember 1) being drunk, and 2) spending most of my time trying to chat up your friend, I only have a fleeting mamory or her, however its a bloody good fleeting memory (save voting paterns!) so Happy Birthday Dawn's mum.
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
You guys, I just want to say thanks for leaving these comments. I sent ol' Joanie Cohone the link to my blog when I posted that - her first visit. And here y'all left such sweet comments.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled profanity and general malaise. No need to worry that she's reading it. She's got seriously 7000 emails in her inbox so you KNOW she doesn't have time to come read this.

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