What I Learned This Weekend

  1. If you mix Canadian Mist with iced tea, it congeals in the cup. My mom handed me her cup and said "What do you think THAT is?" referring to a couple of brown blobs floating around in it. I poured it out only to see two big ol' gelatinous clumps plop into the lake. They were the consistency of boogers which prompted us to start throwing them at each other and then at the boys on the boat. We might have thrown a blob onto the boat that we were subsequently unable to locate. Should be a good story when someone does find it.
  2. My brother's dog of 14 years died. My lasting memory of Jasmine will still always be that mischievous look she'd give you right before she a) ran off; b) pissed/shat on the floor; or c) chased Cassady around the yard pretending she wanted the frisbee but really only wanting to torment - my personal favorite. To some that might sound like I'm only remembering the bad, but it's really more like one of those endearing traits...the look she'd give you left no doubt what she was thinking: You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing. Jasmine rocked and I'll miss her.
  3. No matter how much I think I can prepare myself for losing one of my pets, I'll still be heartbroken and devastated when it happens. As much grief as my dogs give me, it doesn't come close to how much they fill my life with smiles and love and wonder. That probably sounds super cheesy to some - hell, it sounds pretty cheesy re-reading it - but hellifit ain't true.
  4. The shit is about to hit the fan on Deadwood!
  5. Dave got glasses! He's been saying for the last two years that he wanted to go to the eye doctor. As it turns out, he'd been to the optometrist like 10 years before that and they gave him a prescription for eyeglasses that he promptly ignored and never filled. Now? He's loving them and I think he looks damn cute in them.
  6. We scheduled a trip to the Piney on a weekend most people can't go. Oops. Now I look at August and there's not a single open weekend to go. Not sure what to do about that...will report back on this later.

So, all in all, a very wide array of information came before me this weekend. Some very sad, but some really funny. Guess that old cliche of taking the good with the bad was achieved anyway. Hopefully next weekend will have less of the sad and more of teh funny.


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