World Cup Woes

Bah! I'd have to give the US team a D grade overall. They didn't really show up against the Czech's or Ghana and it was a pretty mediocre attempt all-around. As much as I'd like to complain about some of the calls the refs made, I won't because we still would have needed to score again against Ghana and who knows what might have happened in the second half if we had a tie going into it, but we didn't score again anyway. One lousy goal was all they could manage? Sad!

So now, I am firmly a supporter of Mighty Mighty England. Go Lions! I might be rooting for Germany a wee bit considering my heritage is almost 100% German and I was conceived there. But I'm all England, all the time as far as the World Cup goes from here on out. I will root for England, but I will NOT, I repeat NOT eat a full English breakfast. Beans? For breakfast? Whaddya nuts?


Life said…
evil onery scandalous and evil. i like onery. henri.
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
In my humble opinion, the only reason Italy is still playing is because they've gotten some extremely fortuitous calls. England does not look "the sum of its parts" as one journo said, but I will cheer them on anyway. Argentina look pretty damn good though...but I haven't seen a Germany game, so can't say how much better/worse they're playing than the favorites.

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