The post where you stop worrying about me

Because I said so. Just do it. I didn't want anyone to worry so much as just know where I was at that time, I guess. I felt like I needed to explode, metaphorically and literally - I think it's a typical existential crisis that people have from time to time. Whether anything has been solved or not is not important - when does anything really get solved anyway? I mean yeah, the TV is broken and now it's fixed is one life is living me instead of me living my life is something altogether different and I don't know if any answer is the right one yet. I'm sure it's out there, but maybe I'm not asking the right questions to get to the answer I need.

So I'm still learning and figuring things out. I really didn't expect so many people to be so concerned because of that post, but it warms my heart that y'all cared so much. My personal crisis counselors came to the rescue right quick and I appreciate it.

Next up, a recap of the Big Bad Birthday Ballyhoo. Hopefully tonight after I 1) do laundry from my trip (I KNOW) 2) go grocery shopping (we have zilch to eat) and 3) pay the bills I've neglected for the last 3 weeks (don't start).


Life said…
i was worried but didn't want to ask you about it because i know you well enough to know that if you want me to know something you will tell me and if you don't, asking won't get you to tell. i figured you were probably exhausted from your trip and maybe hormonal because that's usually my causes for break downs. glad you are feeling better and know that i'm always here if you do want to explode on someone- even if it does get messy (we'll just cover the furniture first).

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