Time Flies

I've been wanting to write this post for a few days now, but damn it's been a busy week all of a sudden.

So yes, the birthday brou-haha was festive and fun. Friday, my actual birthday but just the beginning of the "birthday weekend", I skipped out on work, had lunch with my Mom and little brother D and went to the Cardinals-Cubs game. Lunch was interesting - first they sat us in a booth with a picture of a Cubs player hanging on the wall. I promptly covered him up with my placemat. Then as our food was being delivered, the waitress set down my plate and then proceeded to throw my Mom and Little D's food all over the floor in front of us. The poor girl about freaked out, but I told her it was OK because it was MY birthday and I had MY food. She started to cry. Hmmm.

The game was a disaster. Not the whole game, just the part where our closer managed to walk the bases loaded and then our perennial gold glove 3rd baseman let a ball GO THROUGH HIS LEGS to send in the tying run. Cards eventually lost in the 14th inning at about 12:15 am - so they did not lose on my birthday. Technically.

Saturday of my birthday weekend was spent in blissful laziness. I did nothing until about 9 pm when we went bowling with the family. I managed to suck it up better than usual - I think I got 3 strikes total out of 3 games. Man, I suck at bowling. But hey, $2 Boulevard makes it all worth a little ass kicking by my obnoxious brothers.

Sunday of my birthday weekend wasn't really my day - I can't sustain the birthday weekend thing I don't think. I don't know if the birthday weekend is a new thing or maybe just an old person thing I never knew about. You know, once you get old like me, the number of the birthday isn't really important anymore (or so I tell myself) like it is when you're a kid so you have to do something to drum up interest and excitement, hence the extending of the birthday to the entire weekend. Anyway, I can't really sustain that excitement for very long. Takes too much energy...that I'm saving for something important. Not sure what, but I want to be full o' energy when it happens.

Anyway, Sunday. Went to one aunt & uncle's house for an after-baptism party for my cousin's kid. She's purty freakin' cute, that kid. But since I skipped out on the church part I didn't get to see the "adorable dress". I use quotes because it's not adorable unless I see and concur as to the adorability. We were there for a couple of hours, ate some food, played washers and lost (cheaters) and then headed out for the next aunt & uncle's house where we were celebrating the graduation of my most over-achievingest cousin ever. There was a shrine to her. And it was full. She missed valedictorian because she didn't take one of the available college credit courses so she only had a 4.3 GPA. Poor thing. But really, damn smart girl and motivated too...pretty rare in my family.

Some of the lovely and generous birthday gifts I received: a Cardinals jersey that I can personalize with whatever name & number I want (still deciding); satin sheets; a funky bonsai with a little guy holding a vagina (will post pics soon); an elephant (at the zoo - I'm a zoo parent); two lint brushes and a fuzz shaver thing for your clothes (the dog hair - it is out of control); and Marley & Me. A fine birthday all around thanks to my friends and family. Love you guys!


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