Turdy Tree

How I will celebrate my birthday:
  1. sleep in (check)
  2. check email (check)
  3. pick my nose and fling the boogs wherever I want
  4. dress the dogs up like hansel and gretel and make them do tricks for candy
  5. dress myself up like Jackie O and pretend to wave
  6. have lunch with my Mom
  7. Oops, I need to shower before number 6, obviously
  8. call the in-laws in California to thank them for the lovely birthday gifts and congratulate them for getting them here on time. show offs.
  9. not sure
  10. not sure
  11. go to the cardinals game in my sassy new jersey! (thanks Hundo!)
  12. go to a bar downtown (look at me! hanging out across the river!)
  13. pick my nose some more
  14. pass out

Any ideas on what I should do for numbers 9 & 10? The more outrageous the better.


C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
I just happen to have a winter outfit made with duct tape and Q-tips - how unfortunate it's not a summer ensemble (pronounced en-sahm)
Life said…
i don't think even the dogs want to hear finnegan's wake.

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