
I scored two goals in last night's soccer game! I totally rock. Just try and tell me I don't.

I read today that only 6% of Americans are tuning into the World Cup. That's pathetic! I'm sitting here wondering what to do until Saturday when there's another match - I have absolutely loved watching the games. Those guys make it look so easy and have sick skills. I contribute my recent goal-scoring prowess to watching the games, but it's probably because the goalie had an eye patch and a third leg.

I just don't get where soccer is losing mass appeal here. Growing up, at least in this corner of the midwest, almost every grade schooler plays soccer at some point. I mean, they have to or the "Soccer Mom" breed would die out, right? And god knows there's a truckload of soccer mom's piloting their mini-vans to practices and games at all hours. You can spot them with a keen eye - they're the ones with the subtle giant soccer ball sticker on the back window and snot rubbed all over the other windows.

So where do we lose interest? My theory is that soccer doesn't present enough marketing/advertising opportunities to the corporate behemoth because there are no commercial breaks like so many American sports play around. If you've ever been to a hockey game, you know what I mean - one minute, the players are flying around the ice in frantic fashion and the next minute, they're all standing around the bench for 3.25 minutes while all of the sponsors get their say to the home viewing audience. In soccer, they don't manufacture breaks that can conveniently be filled with drivel. Personally, I find it refreshing to have just a minute away from the advertising bombardment I'm used to.

Blah blah blah - I can hear it from some readers. Well, how about this one: British football fans are drinking Germany out of beer. They're averaging 17 pints/day. Can you imagine? Germany? Running out of BEER? That just doesn't happen. I'm concerned if they'll have time to make enough beer for the upcoming Oktoberfest. I say Well Done! The liver is evil and must be punished.


JackIrons009 said…
Ill tell ya why soccer cant make it in the states, their a bunch of diving to55ers!!!
USAanians dont put up with grown men rolling around on the ground crying cause they were fouled. Could you imagine if Shaq grabbed his arm and started flopping around like a fish outta water everytime the other team brought out he hack a shaq attack? Funny picture in your noggin huh.
FIFA, the coaches, and the players are all resposible for making diving a more important skill then a throw in, an offside trap, or even a set pieces. I mean, how ya gonna get a restart if ya dont dive.
There has been some great ball this WC, but it has been overshadowed by the officiating, IMHO.
JP said…
I don't know who you are jackirons009 but well said, post match red cards for all Italians (and anyone else that dives) is what I say!
Great work on the goals Dawn, pleased to say I did similar last w/e but unfortunately cause me to get heat stroke, d'oh! pissing blood really sucks, haha!!!

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