Feeling a Bit Delicate

So far today, I've drank approximately 2 oz. of water and eaten four french fries and one bite of chicken sandwich and it's 2:30 in the afternoon. You could say I'm hungover and I would not argue. Blech.

I'm sitting there last night, drinking bottle after bottle of wine and suddenly, it occurs to me that I'm drunk. Not just drunk, but if I had to walk very far? I'd be falling over drunk. Had I needed to drive? Uh, no. I'd have been sleeping on Kimblahg's couch - or floor since I'd probably have to fight the Nigerian Night Nurse From Hell for couch space.

I guess I haven't been properly wine drunk in a while, so I've got that quota for the year covered. It's just amazing to me that the realization of being way over the loony line was so sudden. If thoughts made noises, that one would have been a thunderclap. Why am I such a moron sometimes?

Is anyone else looking forward to a full weekend o' sports? I sure am. There's three, count 'em 1-2-3 that I want to watch this Saturday. First up is the World Cup US v. Italy game. We be screwed if we can't win this game. Then there's a Cardinal game to go to Saturday night - hopefully the 95-degree weather they're predicting for the weekend will taper off around...oh let's say 6:15 pm, yeah? And finally, Saturday night wraps up with Game 6 of the Stanley Cup playoffs. I'm rooting for Edmonton because for some reason, I really like Chris Pronger who used to play for the Blues. Dougie Weight plays for Carolina and I like that former Blue as well, but the part where Edmonton is in Canada and is a proper hockey town and Raleigh? Raleigh, North Carolina? Just doesn't invoke hockey dreams to me.


JackIrons009 said…
Go Brett Hedican!!!
Go Cory Stillman!!!
Go Rod Brindamour!!!
Go Doug Wieght!!!
Those are true ex blues!!!
Pronger is a to55er!!!
Screw the Coldies, go Carolina!!!
Life said…
oy- i know what you mean. i woke up this morning with a blinding headache and a bit of a queesy stomach. i went to bed right after you left and the rest of 'em hung out for quite a while after. we had fun though. big bootie ho's hump with it!

(we should make it a standing date on the 3rd thursday of the month but maybe next time we set a 3 bottle of wine limit)

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