Wednesday Vent
I have to vent to someone. And since I'm already cheesed off that no one else did a haiku to their pets, I'll just vent right here. My office arrangement is pretty nice. We don't have cubicles; we have a balcony that looks out on the first state capitol and the Missouri river; I've pretty much got my own little area; my co-workers deal with my constant stream of invective; they buy us soda. But the one downfall - the one that I'm focusing on today anyway - is that we don't have actual offices, it's just a bunch of open space. Generally speaking, it's a fine arrangement. Today though? The girl that sits closest to me has been coughing all day. Not like a little clearing of the throat - it's a dry, hacking cough that she sprays about every minute and a half. Actually, let me time it... ... Nope, it's every 53.4 seconds. I know she must be miserable. Nobody coughs that much and enjoys it. But the bitch of it is she's been doing it sin...