Why are we fighting?

Yeah, I'm Lookin at You
Originally uploaded by Corn Dog.
Didn't you get my pie?
I'll have to agree with Big Thirsty's Wife and say that, in general, women are total bitches. Doesn't mean I don't love them, but sometimes, I can completely identify with the urge to smack someone to get them to just shut up. And just so I'm not misunderstood, I'm an Equal Opportunity Smacker - I don't care what genitalia or sexual orientation is involved...sometimes you just feel like smacking people.
Case in point: Tuesday night's soccer game. It's a women's over-30 recreational league. The way some people acted on Tuesday, you would have thought we were playing for the World Freaking Cup. To boil it down, the other team called a roster check on us because we were using players from another team in our league. We only had one sub without them and by calling a roster check, those two had to leave the field.
A couple of girls on our team were highly offended that a) they'd called a roster check and b) we would be denied subs. BFD, I say! I'm not saying I didn't walk off the field with the majority of the team, because I did. But my reason was that the other team played rough and I knew that some people on our team would play rough if we continued with the game. The situation was deteriorating rapidly and since I pay to play, I sure as hell don't want to get hurt.
Whatever the reasoning, the aftermath was mortifying. People on my team were pissed off we left the field and didn't play the second half. People on their team (the sane ones) were freaked out that they caused us to storm off the field. The manager and ref couldn't believe we had walked off. Another team we drink beer with afterward booed the team we half-played when they came off the field (we absolutely did NOT tell them to do that). Much chagrinning was done. Many apologies were issued.
Stupid bitches! Why can't we all just get along?
either that of those bitches need the smack down! i got your back- let's rumble.