Rant Rednesday

Just a short list of a few things I'm hating on right now. (And yes, I know it's not healthy to hate, which is why I'm releasing the hate here instead of holding it in my cold, dead heart)
- The neighbors: for having five covered parking spots and two driveways but refusing to park any of their 23 vehicles anywhere but on the street directly across from my SINGLE CAR DRIVEWAY. Hey, thanks! I didn't need to get out of my driveway today anyway.
- The holidays: for making everyone sappy and spendy. I know I'm speaking heresy here, but if there was any way to still have a great holiday without feeling the need to buy everyone something and actually just enjoy the company of family and friends....bah, I'm being a fucking ridiculous idealist and I know it. Deep down, I want stuff. Ok, maybe not so deep. But I really do hate the part where I get all emotional about everything.
- The vet: for being so cool and nice and understanding while explaining the fishing line procedure that costs $1000 so Cassady won't limp on his busted ACL anymore.
- The river: why do you taunt me so?
- My finger: for miraculously cutting itself. I have no idea - I just woke up yesterday with a more-painful-than-it-ought-to-be cut on my pinky.
Now, it's your turn. Rip on something equally inane.