hate it when the TV makes me cry

...even though it happens frequently. Most of the time it's because of acting and me being hyper-empathetic even when I know it's just a show and it's all fake. Even reality shows that I know are BS sometimes get me (ok, ok, yes, I sometimes even cry at commercials - those kodak ones are evil). But this show last night, this was different. For one, I buy that it's actually a real reality show and not some Surreal Life-esque crap (do you know they only live in that house for 12 days? Twelve days man - that's NOTHING. Toughen up you D-Listers!). See for yourself. They got a guy that was living on the street with an amputated leg and a shitty prosthetic and got him a new leg so that he could get a job. When that guy starting crying and saying "Please tell me this isn't a dream", I freakin lost it. Andre & John - you're my new role models.


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