Rant Rednesday

I generally never run out of things to bitch about - it's a gift. So in anticipation of having at least one good rant to share with teh Internets, I'm hereby christening Wednesdays as Rant Rednesday (until I come up with a better name - suggestions welcome, but I reserve the right to make fun of any suggestions).

Begin Rant:

I have three accounts with a major banking institution. And by major, I mean that you've certainly heard of them. The gravy days were back when I only had a credit card through them, but when we bought our last house two years ago, the mortgage and the line of credit (LOC) went through this same company. Fine.

I do like to pay certain bills online. Like my credit card bills. I pay them off every month (probably won't be able to say that after the next couple of months - eek) and I do it online. One day, I went to the online payment center and lo and behold, I can pay my mortgage on the same site! Brilliant, I thought.

I started to pay the mortgage payment online. Never had any problems. Then one day in about July, I notice that the option to pay my LOC bill is there on that same page as my credit card and my mortgage. I'm thinking I've struck gold. I begin to pay all three bills from their online payment center.

Longer story a little bit shorter - the LOC people fucked up my September payment. I know this because the online check that I sent has been posted to my bank and I can view it. I can SEE where someone at said company has handwritten the mortgage account number on my LOC payment. The funds are sent to the wrong department. Less than one month later, I'm getting a letter a week from the collections department.

I sleuth it out and realize what's happened. I call the LOC people and get immediately directed to Collections. If I called them once to sort it out, I called them 42 times. Each time I call I get a new person, a new angle on how to resolve, a new shit-eating attitude. Seriuosly, dealing with them sucked because a) I didn't fuck up, they did and b) they lied. In my book, if you don't know what you're talking about but you say it as fact anyway, you're lying.

For two months, I called when they told me to check on it. For two months, I told them I didn't want my credit report affected by this mistake THAT THEY MADE.

Monday, I get home from traveling for work and find a letter from the LOC department saying that they can't "cross lines of business" and I should contact the mortgage department to get it resolved. WHAT? Why couldn't anyone in the LOC department have mentioned this one small fact to me TWO MONTHS AGO? I could have had this shit resolved two months ago?

Needless to say, when the LOC people told me that this delinquency is on my credit report right now and they couldn't remove it until the mortgage department transferred August's funds and backdated it even though my LOC account is paid up and in good standing right now - I about flipped my lid. I tell you what, aside from being made to feel stupid, I don't know a worse feeling than helplessness. And in all of my dealings with this issue (of which I have been a very.good.customer.for.five.years) that's all I can say they've done - made me feel helpless to correct something I didn't even mess up.

End Rant.

Now, I know that is a freakin short novel rant, but if anyone cares to rant about anything to just get it off your chest, please feel free to do so in the comments. You probably aren't as ranteriffic as I am, but it's not a contest and I won''t judge you.


Life said…
you could
1) ask for the collection manager
2) bitch about it on planetfeedback.com
3) write an email to the president's office
4) contact the better business bureau
5) go to transunion, equifax, etc and dispute this being on your credit report.
6) protest naked in a sandwich board saying "bank A sucks ass" in front of their local branch

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