Poor Beaner-Bean

Here's Cassady in his favorite wig. He thinks he looks kinda like Gwyneth Paltrow in this wig and he struts all around in it and calls Corn Dog "Apple" when he wears it.

I'll have to break out the Gwyneth wig this weekend to try and lift his spirits. He's getting x-rays on Friday to see if his ACL is torn/ruptured and needs surgery. He's going to have be put under sedation for the x-rays and you know, he's 11 so it is a wee bit worrisome that he's going under. I'm sure it'll be fine, but I'm not looking forward to the dirty looks all weekend. Who ever said dogs don't hold grudges hasn't met Cassady after he's been dropped off at the vet, puppeteered into various poses, and then locked in a crate for a few hours. Shit! Do you think I should tell the vet he's a bona fide Houdini Dog and will try to break out of any crate or room they put him in?


JackIrons009 said…
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JackIrons009 said…
I had to delete and repost, i could not allow anyone to look at that horrible use of grammer. Anyway...
Cleo is looking forward to giving Cassady some dreadies, then they can match.
Hope the best for Cassady!!!

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