We're Experiencing Some Minor Turbulence. Please Fasten Your Seat Belt and Remain Seated

Sometimes traveling can be relatively pain-free and smooth. Other times, well, not so much.

I probably shouldn't complain too much as I did eventually make it everywhere I needed to go, including back home last night. So, I'll put more in "The Good" section than "The Bad" section and that will qualify as not complaining.

The Good (as in Hindsight is My Friend):

  • On both long haul flights between Chicago and London I managed to have a row of three seats to myself. If you've ever experienced this, you know that it's a million times more comfortable than being on a packed flight, but is still far from what anyone would consider "comfortable", unless you're lucky enough to have no nerve endings. Or need for blood circulation.
  • My luggage was with me for the most important leg of the trip. I know it's just STUFF, but I can honestly say I wanted that stuff badly. Travel Cassady and Travel Corn Dog were in there!
  • I got to spend three days in Amsterdam. I could go into more detail, but my legal and presidential advisory teams have warned against this.
  • My appetite abandoned me and I weigh several pounds less than when I left. Stress diet anyone? My appetite for alcohol was not similarly affected.
  • I have validation now that even seasoned London Underground travelers sometimes have problems navigating their way around the tube system. After several hours of being ridiculed for admitting to having a hard time choosing which platform would get me to my destination (and several pints on empty stomachs), said ridiculer put us on the train going the wrong way.

The Bad (As in GAHHHHH!)

  • Travel delays are a fact of life for anyone flying in and out of busy airports. But there is a point at which you start to wonder "Did I do something horribly wrong? Is Karma really that pissed off at me?". That point came for me yesterday when I learned my stupid short little flight home (less than 40 minutes in the air) was delayed. Twice. If that had been the only time I spent unplanned hours in an airport, it would have been one thing. But I feel like I could now draw a map of Heathrow Terminal 4, Schiphol Terminal 3 and O'Hare Terminal 3 with my eyes closed.
  • Flying in gale-force winds. If I expound on this further, my pulse quickens and I break out in a cold sweat. You'll just have to use your imagination.
  • Not having my luggage for the duration of the Amsterdam leg. The thought of clothes shopping was mortifying, but I managed to find a couple of decent things. There's a rumor I'll get reimbursed by the airline for what I had to buy, but I'm skeptical. It's a long story, but basically I think there's a good likelihood British Airways will say it's KLM's fault and KLM will say it was BA's fault.

There's not many pictures documenting this trip. It just wasn't conducive to good shots I guess. I did get to see Trafalgar Square (at night, bad shots) and Big Ben from a few miles away (also at night while walking with a group - couldn't really stop for pic's). And my one day to see tourist bits with friends from London as guides was ruined by muthafucking flight delays and altered schedules. I can't even tell you how disappointed I was about that. There's always next year I suppose.

Three and a half weeks now until the next journey. Macau and Beijing. I should be excited, right? I am excited about seeing these places and experiencing these cultures. I just need to work on my travel anxiety. Any suggestions? Besides drugs, people. I know that one already and what I've got just isn't working out for me. Maybe because I don't take it. Not sure, but I think that's why.


Life said…
glad you made it back- curious why you only spent three days in amsterdam or maybe it was just the travel delays. suggestions? meditation? praying the rosary? tai chi? lots of alcohol after boarding and popping a benadryl. actually, planes tend to put me to sleep on their own. the air mall catalogs knock me out.
Unknown said…
lucky you. i can never sleep on planes. i think i got about 20 minutes of "sleep" on the 14 hour flight from sydney.
yay dawn is back! yeah, besides xanex, i have no suggestions. waking up at your destination dehydrated and hung over is not desired, so not so sure about alcohol...maybe a bit. meditation sounds good, in theory. i don't actually practice it myself, so...hmmm. i usually just go w/ books and movies. just remember, you are a traveler, not a tourist! you belong everywhere, and plane crashes are truly very rare, which is why they make such a big deal about them when they happen. and having also had to go w/o luggage in a foreign land, i'd suggest...well, it really is a good idea to have everything you'd need for a 24-hour period on your person, in your purse or in your carry-on. i learned this after having to buy a tshirt at the miami airport, and having to borrow clothing and toiletries from others. ugh. depending on where you're going, though (like not the jungle), you can probably just carry expensive makeup and stuff in the carryon and, if need be, hit the local drug store for whatever else. yeah, i'm all over the obvious suggestions.
Anonymous said…
You're an experienced flyer, don't you have a system down pat yet? Sorry, I don't have any good suggestions, I just wanted to say welcome home! We missed you.
Unknown said…
oh, and i meant to say score! for getting those 3 seats to yourself, both ways! that truly is a wonderful gift when it happens. it almost feels like luxury, or as close to luxury as coach will give you.
Life said…
everytime i see your comments say "4 dogs are barking" i want to shout "FIIIIIIIIVE GOOOOOLD RINGS" like Eddie Izzard.

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