Don't You Love It When...

  • You win four soccer games in a row? Hell yeah. Of course, we're now jinxed and won't win again until Mars is in retrograde. And you KNOW that's a long time from now.
  • You listen to music that makes you feel like you're in high school again? That's right...Justin Timberlake makes me want to put on my Catholic school uniform, ifyaknowwhatImean. Tease me, berate me, do what you must, but I do love that music.
  • You're excited and nervous at the same time? Upcoming journeys have me all a-twitter. And by "a-twitter" I mean finding it hard to concentrate and constantly thinking about it. A business event (party) invitation says the dress is "Smart Casual". What does that mean???
  • All the stoplights turn green from one destination to another? It only happens when don't have anywhere to be by a certain time, granted, but it's still nice when it happens.
  • You finally find a pair of jeans that fit the way you want them to? Can I just say that I haven't had a pair of jeans I've liked since the 1990's? How fucking sad is that? Well, no more.
  • You start your day off with good coffee? And this comes from Surfer Boy who never drank a drop of it before I converted him. But he's soooo right. Good coffee - whatever your flava - makes any day just that much better.
  • Your husband buys milk so that you can have good coffee in the morning? Gooooooood Surfer Boy.
  • You find a light beer that tastes divine? I'm not even kidding when I say that Sam Adams Light is damn good beeey-ah. Me love it long time.


Life said…
the opposite of smart casual would be wearing a tiny skirt and no underwear but forgetting to close your legs when exiting the car. that would be dumb casual. still want to know where jeans from.
C-C-C-Corn Dog said…
They're just Levi's from JC Penney's. I caved a bit and bought some that fit but are too long figuring I'll just wear my boots or maybe eventually have them tailored.
Unknown said…
smart casual...well, yeah, that works. maybe jeans, but nice jeans, not weekend yard work jeans, or maybe no jeans at all...who the hell knows. when in doubt, err on the side of too dressy rather than too casual, i say.
you know, i have no idea what ever happened to my school skirt. i don't think i burned it or anything, but then again, who knows? why didn't i foresee how useful it could be in the future? not that i'd fit into it right now, but maybe after the dieting kicks in...i mean starts.

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